Wednesday, February 20, 2019

How To Make Your Home Energy Efficient?

We are living in a technology-driven world where we have all the comforts at one click. Smart technologies, smart transportation, smart shopping, stylish living, and efficient apps make it so much comfortable for us.

Home Interior Designers in Bangalore

Still, not many of us think of making some efforts for the betterment of our motherland. We all love the idea of going green, but in reality, not many go greener. With all the beautiful innovations, it's the right time to take some steps toward being eco-friendly.
We all know the fact that every good thing begins at home and when it comes to being eco-friendly, your house is the best place. Have no clue? Don't worry,Home Interior Designers in Bangalore know it all.
You can design your home or say some things in your home in such a way that makes it energy efficient. Saving power is the best thing you can do for nature, and that's why we suggest reading the below article to know some great tips if you don't want to redesign the complete home.

Maintain temperature in a better way

In most of the homes, a lot of energy is consumed to keep the house hot or cold. By making some little efforts, you can save a considerable amount of energy. Use ceiling fans to cool the home until it's too hot around. You should replace the air filters in heaters and air conditioners within short intervals to save some power.
Programmable thermostats automatically turn them down when no one is at home. If you already have a simple thermostat, you can do that part yourself. Turn them down for at least eight hours a day, and you will see a significant difference in your power consumption.

Replace your lights

Ordinary incandescent light consumes enormous power, and that's why you should look for other better alternatives. These traditional lights turn 90% of the energy consumed by them into heat, and only 10% glows as light.
The new inventions in lightning fixtures have offered a number of better options like LEDs, CFLs, etc. Not only they consume less power, but they also last longer than traditional lights. LEDs are considered best because they don't have any moving part plus mercury content is also zero.

Choose a smart water heating system

Tank water heaters send you water only when a significant amount of water is stored in the tank that not only wastes your time but also consumes extra energy.
According to Home Interior Designers in Bangalore , tankless water heaters heat the water in the pipe itself, and the hot water directly falls into your bucket. So, you get water as per your demand on the spot. There is no wastage of power and time.

Insulate your home

It is one of the things you can do yourself without needing to hire the best
Home Interior Designers in Bangalore. Sealing your home tightly will prevent the passage of energy outside the house, and you will save on a lot of power.
An insulated home can also improve comfort by maintaining indoor air quality. Seal all the small and big holes you find in the walls to make it perfectly insulated.

Be responsible when using electrical appliances

Refrigerators and freezers are used to keep things chill. To prevent them from using extra energy while cooling, it is better to keep them away from heat producing tools such as a stove. The next thing you can do is shutting your computer off when not in use.
If not computer, at least turn off the monitor. Unplug chargers when electronics are not connected to them. Buy electronic appliances that are approved by government for energy efficiency. Moreover, if you are still using desktop computers, replace them with a laptop if possible.

Efficient showerheads and toilets

Water resources are an essential part of our ecosystem, and that's why we should use them wisely. We recommend the use of low flow showerheads and toilets so that less water is consumed in one go.
You can find a variety of flow levels while buying, and we suggest you go for a low flow one. Moreover, vacuum assisted, and dual flush toilets are also a choice when it comes to efficient toilets.

Put all the natural things on work

Natural light in the day time is soothing and can help in preventing the use of power in the day time. Approaches like skylights and light shelves can help here. While skylight preclude the leakage of light, light shelves are used to deliver light to buildings.
Short and wide windows named clerestory windows can also be set high on walls to brighten and warm up the home. To reduce the effect of day sun, you can use light tubes to lighten up your interiors.

Seal doors and windows

Use rope chalk to seal all the cracks and holes near windows and doors that could have been left at the time of fittings. Weatherstripping can be done on windows and doors to prevent the loss of power in every weather.
If your window doors are damaged and cracked, either get them repaired or replace with new one. Also, install quality doors and don't forget to have doors sweeps at the bottom of doors.

Save some energy while doing laundry chores

The Home Interior Designers in Bangalore say that you can save a lot of energy while doing laundry too. Wait until your clothes basket is full with a pile of clothes.
You can also save energy by preventing the use of high-temperature settings until there is a high need. Clean the lint trap before drying clothes and if possible dry your clothed in air and sunlight.

Be a smart energy efficient cook

Convection ovens are better than traditional one because they use less temperature to cook food. Microwave ovens can also be used over conventional ovens and you will save up to 80% on energy.

 The size of pan must be according to heating element plus using kids while cooking can also save heat. And last but not least is our all-time favorite pressure cookers. Go for them to reduce cooking time and energy.

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