Tuesday, December 18, 2018

How To Take Care Of Wooden Furniture At Home?

We all love our home so much. Every part of the house carries beautiful memories we spend with our loved ones, and that's why we care for each small and big thing in the home.

Modular Furniture Manufacturers in Bangalore

Home furniture is one of the most important things in the home. Not only it makes our living easy and keeps things organized, but it also helps in giving a perfect look to our interiors. There is no limit of designs and types when it comes to furniture, but when you are in love with the vintage look, only wooden furniture can bring the right vibes.

The alluring charm of wooden furniture attracts a whole of attention leaving a positive impact on the minds of visitors. According to Modular Furniture Manufacturers in Bangalore, wooden furniture requires a lot of care to keep shining like new. Wooden furniture needs to be maintained and handled carefully so that the lovely charm could be kept alive. To prevent it from becoming a hectic task for you, we have listed some tips and tricks to help you with the maintenance of your wooden furniture.

Dusting must be a daily chore

Your wooden furniture requires a lot of care, and the responsibility must start from the very basic thing that is cleaning. You must wipe your furniture daily with a soft cloth to remove the layer of dust that might get stuck if not cleaned regularly. While dusting, you can also examine the furniture for any marks and stains so that they could be removed before becoming permanent. Modular Furniture Manufacturers in Bangalore says that dust on wooden furniture might get unnoticed sometimes, but to keep the furniture in good condition, you need to make dusting your daily chore.

Use warm water and mild soap to clean

The worst thing you might notice with your furniture is stains. They look so bad and make you feel awful when becoming permanent. But, you can't treat your furniture harshly because then it would lose its charm. The best way to clean your wooden furniture is treating it gently. Take some warm water in a bowl and use a mild detergent or cleaner to apply over the furniture. Use soft sponges or cotton clothes to wipe off the cleaning solution and water. No flat brushes should be used on wooden furniture because they will leave scratches on the furniture making it look worse than before.

Don't forget oiling and waxing

Who doesn't love shiny furniture that looks like new? Well, everyone does, and that’s why everyone is advised to handle it with care. Everything requires some efforts, and this is no exception. Your wooden furniture wants you to give them a looking and waxing job whenever needed to keep shining like new.
Oiling and waxing not only give a lustrous look to your furniture but also help in preventing it from damage. The furniture gets covered with a protective layer which enhances its appearance and stays in good condition for a longer time. The dealer will tell you about the right time for oiling and waxing of furniture, still, if you don't have any clue, a once in three months job will do perfectly fine.

Keep the sun rays away

Sun rays are not your best buddies always. You might love them in winters, but your furniture needs them never. If your wooden furniture is in direct exposure to sunlight, you need to do something quickly. For example, you can cover a wooden table with a tablecloth to minimize the effect on the upper area.
According to Modular Furniture Manufacturers in Bangalore, direct exposure to sunlight can damage the wooden furniture in several ways. The furniture can get dark and light spots over it which is called sporting.

Prevent direct contact with the heat

Are you habitual of pitting the hot coffee mug over the table? Don't forget that table coasters have been made for some reason. The wooden furniture can't bear too hot or too cold temperature in direct contact. The reason is when something is too hot or too cold, they tend to leave some impression over the furniture.By Modular Furniture Manufacturers in Bangalore your furniture has already got a good texture, it doesn't need more. The unsuitable temperature will leave impressions that would distort the lovely surface of your furniture. Even if you permit, make sure the period is limited because they leave deep signs when kept for a longer time.

Don't worry when it ages

We all age and so does our furniture. That being said, old age is the time to look graceful. Your beautiful furniture will age gracefully over time, and you should be completely fine with it. According to Modular Furniture Manufacturers in Bangalore who have in-depth knowledge of furniture, wooden furniture tends to acquire new color with time. The shade won't stay similar; it will either get lighter or darker.
The simple trick to follow is to be ready for it when you buy it. Think whether you want your furniture to get lighter or darker, and purchase accordingly.

Sharp objects are not the right toys

How about getting a scratch over your furniture? Well, no one likes a scratch over their expensive furniture. Sharper objects like a knife, scissors, and other pointed tools can leave sharp marks over the furniture that are hard to remove.
Make sure you don’t put everything over the furniture, instead, keep them inside the drawers so that you can find them in the right place when required and the beauty of your furniture remains saved.

The quick-fix touch up

If you see any scratches or chips on the furniture, give them a quick touch-up instantly. The easiest way to hide these irritating makes from the furniture is using a polish of similar shade. A shoe polish of similar shade as of the furniture can make the scratches appear less in no time. For better results, use a felt-tip marker of the same color before applying polish. The marker you use must be of same color and should be used carefully only over the affected area.

1 comment:

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